Dear readers, I am not really used to write in English in this blog – it might be the second time in two years – and I must admit that writing in English is most of the time a pain in the ass, but I thought the new pearltrees’ release worth it. So deal with it 🙂
You are the media! Because we are not anymore passive consumers and we also produce and share information, most of us have become a real media for hundreds, thousands of people. Take a look at what a media really is: it is not all about producing information. In fact the real work today is all about curation.
The big picture – the vision driving pearltrees – is no longer a dream. Facebook and its « like » button tell us that there is another way to deal with the big mess the web has become. Robots are no longer the only way (the right way?) to gather the hidden value of the web. Today, a new chapter of the web history is being written and it is all about human curation. In this new era there will be a lot of different players and – in my humble opinion – last week pearltrees clearly stood as an indisputable service in this game.
In fact already millions of web content have been selected and organized by the pearltrees community. In the last days we have seen pearltrees embeds showing up everywhere and covering a lot of different topics and interests: a lawsuit, a fake event, the apple war, the Zahia D. affaire, a list of mom bloggers, and even an embed in The Huffington Post.
Well, it might be the right time to do my very first embed in this blog 🙂 You know, I am a curator far before the beginning of pearltrees. During years – even before youtube – I collected and organized funny videos I found on internet. With this new embed, I am finally able to curate the coolest video I have seen on the web, and share it directly in my blog: